
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

08007055055 209, F/6, Dharampeth Towers, W High Ct Rd, Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010 Mon - Sat 11.00 - 18.00
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Partner With US

Steps to Become a Partner
You press request entry and provide us with a few details
Our person shows up to verify and quality check
We discuss our agreement and get your pictures and facilities lists
We become your marketing partner and new people discover you and you get paid in the process!

frequently asked questions

What is FitArt?

FitArt is an app that offers a single membership to access multiple premium fitness centers in the city, covering various activities

How do I become a partner?

Simply click "Request Entry, " provide some details, and our team will contact you to schedule a verification and quality check visit.

What are the criteria for partnering?

Your center must meet our quality standards, which we will verify during our visit. We look for clean, well-maintained facilities, professional staff, and a variety of fitness offerings.

How does the payment model work?

We agree on a pre-determined price for each facility availed by our members. You get paid for each verified member who uses your facilities.

Is there a cost to join FitArt?

There are no upfront costs. We pay you according to the sessions booked in your centre.

How does FitArt promote my business?

We use various marketing channels, including social media, email campaigns, and cross-promotions with other partners to ensure your center gets maximum visibility.

What support do I receive after joining?

You receive continuous support from our team, access to marketing resources, and detailed performance analytics to help you grow your business.

How soon can I start seeing new clients?

Once your center is verified and listed, you can start seeing new clients almost immediately as we promote your listing to our members.

Can I customize my offerings on FitArt?

Yes, you can specify which services and facilities are available to FitArt members, and any special conditions or limitations.

Who do I contact for more information or support?

You can reach us at [contact number] or [email]. Our support team is available every day to assist you